Intrepid helps you map out your plan, follow best practices, conduct pre- and post-migration benchmarking and testing, prepare for the unexpected, and ultimately be there during the process in case anything goes awry.

The biggest mistake in a migration is assuming it will be easy. Without proper planning and support, a botched migration can cause serious problems that take months to recover from, such as a site being down for hours (or even days), loss of revenue, loss of traffic, loss of rankings, and/or damage to the brand.

Instead, anticipate a journey and be ready to address issues through good communication and collaboration. Intrepid is there to support you and your dev teams every step of the way.

Our Approach to Domain Migrations

Migration experience

Intrepid assists with migrations such as:
* Self-hosted to CDN or cloud-based
* Changing hosts
* Replatforming
* Changing taxonomy
* Expanding to global
* Redesign / Rebranding

Checklist Guide

Intrepid has developed a migration checklist as well as a set of Do’s and Don’ts based on our years of experience.

These guideposts help you organize tasks, identify key contributors, and structure deadlines to minimize confusion and duplicated efforts.

Trilateral collaboration

Leading up to a migration, we strongly encourage trilateral meetings with Intrepid, your engineering team, and the marketing team to help everyone stay abreast of progress or concerns.

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Domain Migration success stories

Domain Migration blog posts


How a Team Should Prepare for a Website Migration

Looking for the tools to get you through a Website Migration? Ensure a successful migration with our step-by-step Migration Risk Assessment calculation and our tips for what your team should avoid doing as the time for migration approaches.

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